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Press - News

The Board and representatives of our company took part in the International Economy-Investment Forum which took place in Lublin on 4th October 2012. Days of Eastern Partnership provide an excellent opportunity to talk about the future of economic cooperation between companies located in the Lubelskie Voivodeship with their eastern partners. Forum participants talked, i.e. about the Lubelskie Voivodeship as a dynamically changing region and about the chance, namely, cooperation of Polish companies with businesses from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The Forum has been prepared and organised by the Office of the Marshal of Lubelskie Voivodeship.

The first day of the meeting included panel discussions, business talks and general discussions. Businessmen and representatives of Ukrainian administration from the following regions: Lviv, Lugan, Volyn and Rowne have taken part in the events. The Forum has also been attended by Polish scientsists and businessmen, representative of non-governmental organisations, city officials and regional officials. The President of the City of Lublin, Mr Krzysztof Żuk and Marshal of the Voivodeship, Mr Krzysztof Hetman were encouraging investments in the area of Lubelskie Voivdeship. The second day of the Forum, 5th October, was filled with studio visits. Sightseeing of the Airport and of the economic sub-zone has been planned.